The Journey Begins

I’ve just wrapped up my first week of training for my November 15th fight…

This is going to be an excellent adventure of a much different kind.  I have 4 months to learn to box.  Actually box.  Not just for fitness, but to not get knocked out in front of my family, friends, and 2500 other people!



A few years ago my friend Lou Miller signed up to compete in a charity boxing match put on by an organization called Haymakers for Hope.  Haymakers, I learned, is a non-profit whose mission is to raise funds for cancer research, care, awareness and survivorship.  Lou would train for 4 months at a boxing gym, with a boxing trainer, and fight one fight against a similar opponent (age, weight class etc)- all the while fundraising, with a goal of $10,000.  All the guys from our football team donated and cheered him on as he ultimately had his hand raised at the end of the fight!  He couldn’t speak highly enough of his experience, saying it was one of the best things he’d ever done!  A few years later his brother Evan competed and echoed Lou’s sentiments about how amazing the overall experience was.  I also had another friend compete, Jon Halvorson, in 2016 and once again I heard first hand how amazing this organization was and how transformative the 4 months he spent preparing for his fight were (he too won!).

As I was on my sabbatical from Sep ’16- Feb ’18, I placed a very heavy emphasis on health and wellness.  Changing my diet, working out more, meditating, yoga etc have all led me to a place where I feel good.  I’ve lost over 30 pounds since 2015 and have kept it off even as I’m back in the media world in NYC.  Boxing was something I found I really enjoyed.  The workouts were hard and intense, and my body was always sore after, but in the best possible way.  I slowly watched and felt my body and mind transform to something I liked and felt good about.  To be honest, I’m really proud of myself.

Given my interest in boxing (again mostly for fitness vs actually focused training to learn to box), all of my friends encouraged me to apply for Haymakers.  I was definitely nervous to submit my application- what if I got picked?  I’d actually have to do this.  At the same time, I hoped I did.  I’m leaning in more when I doubt myself, when I don’t ‘like’ doing things, and pushing myself through, challenging myself… I was going to do this.

And out of the ~200 applicants, I was indeed one of the 34 selected.  And away we go…



Once selected, Haymakers pairs you up with a gym and a trainer and then it’s up to you to put in the time and the work to get yourself into fighting shape.  It’s 4 months until the fight, but I know those are going to fly right by.  So, I started training with my new friend and coach Harry.  I’m just getting to know him and will write a full post about him, his history and experience with boxing etc once I learn more.  For now, my goal is to work with Harry at least 4x a week (in addition to my own workouts, fitness, yoga, running, volleyball etc).  As I get better and we get closer to the fight, I’ll be in the gym pretty much every day.

I get the impression that Harry likes his fighters to win, and he’s not somebody I think I want to upset- so I’m going to give this my all… and more.

My trainer Harry.  Dude is old school and gonna get me into fighting shape!


KO’ing Cancer

The fact that this event raises money for Cancer research/treatment was the main reason I wanted to compete.  Cancer has impacted so many of my family and friends and if I can help in any way, I feel it’s something I don’t even have a choice in, I have to participate.  One of the hardest moments in my life was seeing my Mom in the hospital after undergoing surgery to treat the Cancer she was dealing with.  She looked so weak and so scared (even though she was wearing that beautiful smile to try to make us feel better).  By the grace of the Universe, everything went well and she’s been Cancer free since that day!  But that’s a day I’ll never forget… And I know so many people out there have similar experiences, many that didn’t end as fortunate as mine did.  And so I’ll fight.  A guy I’ve not yet met who will be an opponent in the ring, but a teammate in the fight against Cancer.  Let’s do this!

Fighting for this lady and all the others in the world like her!


This Blog

I’m going to update this weekly with photos, videos, updates etc so that you all can experience what I’m going through right alongside me!


Thanks for the support!  Much love and bliss,


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