2 Months Down, 2 To Go

Working on my reach…

10 weeks til fight night.

I ebb and flow with how I’m feeling with my training and preparation.  A couple weeks have passed that have had work trips, holidays, weddings, etc and have interrupted some of the flow I was feeling as I finished my first month.  I’d have a couple good sessions, then miss 3 or 4 days and felt like I was starting from scratch again.

I like Harry, but still feel like I want to be moving faster- then again, I’ve got to show him I’ve got what it takes, and have mastered what he has me focusing on before advancing to the next phase.  If I’m being honest, I know I have a lot more to give… and it’s time to turn this thing up.

It’s been hard though.  With work, and summer, and all the interruptions of just living my ‘normal’ life, I find myself just shoehorning the gym in to my schedule some days.  I need to get better at scheduling, and prioritizing.  One thing I do know though is I need to get in the ring more.

Body shots are strong

Everyone says it.  You NEED to spar.  Spend more time doing that than almost anything else.  I admit, I was very intimidated (and still am).  I hate doing things I’m not good at, especially against ‘better’ people- but I know that’s the only way I’ll get better.  Time to discard that fear… Remember- I have everything I need inside me to succeed.  I just need to trust that.  Remember that nobody starts out great, everyone has to go through this process- and there’s literally no way I’ll get better unless I go through this initiation.  It’s all up to me.  How much work am I going to put in…

I still have 3 more weekends out of town before the fight (the next 2 as I write this), but that’s it.  I’m staying put otherwise.  There are groups of guys that spar every Saturday morning and I’ve gotta get in on that.  I sparred with my friend Lou last night and after relaxing a bit and settling down, things were much easier.  I do know what I’m doing, I have the basics, I just need to stay present, stay relaxed, and just trust in my training.  It was very helpful, I have to do a LOT more before Nov 15.

Got him with this one…

Next weekend is media/sparring day.  We’ll have a sparring match against our presumed opponent – giving both of us as well as Haymakers a chance to gauge our progress and make sure the matchup still makes sense.  I have a feeling this is going to be another big wakeup call for me.

Getting there.  But a long way to go…

To date I’d grade myself a B.  I’d hoped to be further along, but I know there’s still 10 weeks to really push myself and get myself into ‘fight night’ shape.  I’m going to have so many friends, family, clients, colleagues etc all there supporting me and I want them to be proud (and ideally see my arm raised when all is said and done).

Time to do some situps!

Thanks, as always, for reading and the support.  Really appreciate it!

Much love and bliss,


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